Dear Bronx Science Families,
We have our first full week of school behind us, and your PA is building up steam for the busy second half of September. Did your student tell you that the school cafeteria looks different? Read more below about the project, and about the generous funding our PA Executive Board Member, Joli Golden, and Bronx Science Alumni Foundation VP, Eleanor Coufos, worked hard to secure.
Are you ready to jump in and be involved with the PA in the next few weeks? Click here to find out how to be part of the fun. Ready to mark your calendar? All our PA meetings have been confirmed, and topics finalized. Click here for the details. Are you a freshman parent? We are looking forward to seeing you at the Guidance Department meeting on the 18th. The PA will have great Bronx Science merchandise for sale that evening, and you can learn about how to get involved with our spring auction, and how to run for a freshman position on our Executive Board, or on the SLT. (Not a freshman parent? Click here to help with PA merchandise sales that evening!)
We are looking forward to seeing you at our PA meeting on the 24th, and at the many events where Bronx Science needs parent help.
Rebecca Barreras and Lisa Brody
PA Co-Presidents,