Tuesday, September 24, 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Come to our first PA meeting of the year to hear from Bronx Science principal Dr. Jean Donahue. Guidance counselors will facilitate breakout sessions by grade, so that parents can hear information that is most relevant to their child’s upcoming school year.
Also at this meeting, we will have an expedited election for the position of Parents’ Association Treasurer, and talk about other Executive Board and School Leadership Team parent positions that are open for incoming parents.
Notice of Elections: On Tuesday, September 24, 2019 at 7:20 pm in the auditorium of Bronx High School of Science there will be an expedited election for the position of PA Board Treasurer. This position is open to any parent of a child at Bronx High School of Science, but previous experience with being a treasurer with another parents’ association is preferred. Nominations and questions about the position can be sent to nominations@bxsciencepa.org. Nominations will also be taken at the meeting. Our current treasurer recently stepped down, and has nominated a sophomore parent, Doris Ortiz-Torres, for the treasurer position. Doris was the PA treasurer at NEST+M.
On Wednesday, October 23, 2019 at 7:20 pm in the auditorium of Bronx High School of Science there will be a regular election for the following positions: one Co-recording Secretary on the PA Board, one Member-at-Large on the PA Board and one Parent Representative on the SLT. These positions are open only to parents of incoming students at Bronx High School of Science. You can nominate yourself, or another incoming parent or guardian. Nominations for these positions close on Friday, October 11 at midnight. Interested? Have questions? Want to nominate yourself or someone else? Email us at nominations@bxsciencepa.org
For current Vallo bus contract holders, Vallo will generously provide free bus service from both Queens and Manhattan for the PA meeting. Click here for information on pickup points and how to make a seat reservation. See you on the 24th!
Draft minutes from our June PA meeting can be found here. Please read the minutes before September 24, as there will not be printed copies available at the PA meeting.