Dear Bronx Science Families,
It was wonderful to see so many of you at our Best of the Boroughs Spring Benefit on Thursday night. We have a crowd of people to thank, and photos to share – please watch next week’s eblast for pics from the evening. Meanwhile, a huge shout out of Thank You to the benefit co-chairs, Meredith El Nems and Katie Sperling. Your hard work paid off! We all had a wonderful evening.
We are looking forward to having you join us at school tomorrow night as Dr. Donahue shares with the PA her annual “State of the School” address. This is a perfect opportunity for you to directly engage with school leadership – don’t miss out! We’ll also be closing the nominations for the PA board and SLT June elections as well as presenting the proposed budget for 2019-2020. The slate of candidates and the budget will be voted on during the June PA meeting. See below for more details.
There are many ways for you to be involved with your PA in early June. From interacting with alumni, to greeting our community’s newest families, please click here to see how you can get involved in everything that is going on.
See you Monday night!
Rebecca Barreras and Lisa Brody
PA Co-Presidents,