When you come to school on April 16th, you can browse our selection of free, gently used test prep books. All are welcome to take one book home for free! Thank you to all families who recently donated their books to share with our community.
Periodically our PA Bylaws need to be revised to ensure they are in compliance with the DoE’s regulations for Parents’ Associations. There will be a vote at the April 16th PA meeting to accept the revisions. Please click here to read the updated bylaws. (Blue text in the bylaws is being added and the crossed out text is being removed.) Paper copies will not be available at the meeting.
At the meeting we’ll also be voting on a PA budget amendment. A few months ago, Mr. Wren and his Green Team teachers came to talk to parents about the work the Green Team is doing to increase environmental sustainability at Bronx Science. Since then, Mr. Wren and the Green Team won a $10,000 grant for the school! Money from the grant will be used to install a water bottle filler near the library, perfectly accessible for parents when you all come to school. We’ll vote at the April 16th PA meeting to contribute $6000 to make the water bottle filling station ADA compliant.
As always, we’ll vote to approve the minutes from the previous PA meeting, you can read the March meeting minutes here.
Then, our guest speaker Kal Chaney will take the floor to give us all the details about Paying for College. Three lucky raffle winners will each take home a free copy of Kal’s book, Paying for College Without Going Broke. Kal’s presentation will cover consumer-friendly information on various options for paying for college, including merit-based scholarships, need-based financial aid, tax benefits, and borrowing strategies. Topics presented will include:
- Lessons to learn from the recent college admissions scandal
- How to improve your chances for receiving aid
- Answers to questions you never thought to ask – but should
- What the colleges don’t tell you
- Important steps to take when your child is in 9th, 10th, 11thor even 12thgrade – and what to do if you haven’t yet taken them
- Specific strategies for different family situations
- Common myths and misperceptions that can cost you big money
Do you have a question for Kal you would like answered at the meeting? Please email us here!
Taking Vallo to the meeting? Call ahead to reserve your seat! Find bus service information here. Public transportation directions to school can be found here. See you on the 16th!
See you on the 16th!