Minutes from the December PA meeting can be accessed here. We’ll vote to approve these minutes at our January PA meeting.
Minutes from the December PA meeting can be accessed here. We’ll vote to approve these minutes at our January PA meeting.
Click here to check out the new information on the Community Affairs page on our PA website about education related bills presented to City Council.
There are SO many reasons to come to tomorrow night’s PA meeting; let us count the ways: 1. This is your last chance of the school year, so if you’ve…
#GivingTuesday, November 28, is a global day of giving. On or before that day, please consider making a year-end gift to the Bronx Science Parents’ Association. Your donations help cover…
Each spring the PA elects the Executive Board for the following school year. The process begins soon by electing a Nominating Committee of 3-5 members at our February PA meeting…
Dear Bronx Science Families: Welcome to the 2018-19 school year! Please read below to learn how YOU can be part of our vibrant school community. Please join us at school…
While school is occurring remotely, our administration, teachers and guidance counselors are checking their emails regularly. You can find all teachers’ email addresses here. You can find all Guidance Department counselors’ emails and…