Thank you to all the Volunteers who welcomed our freshman class of parents to school on September 20, fed them, and got them well dressed in Bronx Science merchandise!
- Mary Boland-Look
- Madeleine Dobie
- Emile El Nems
- Aimee Freedman
- Greg Gallent
- Weimin Huang
- Kevork Khrimian
- Lisa Li
- Jane Liao
- Amy Lin
- Michael Look
- Nancy Miller
- Sue Narine
- Ivette Perez
- Dave Poritzky
- Lino Sison
- Katie Sperling
- Eugenia Zakharov

Thank you to all the Volunteers who made Project Accepted full of well-fed senior students and Bronx Science Alumni! The Volunteers served breakfast, lunch and snacks to the alumni, and lunch and snacks to the students.
- Grace Baez
- Anastasia Carayanides
- Jessica Cheng
- Jeffrey Felmus
- Jing Gao
- Ricci Garcia
- Weimin Huang
- Jenny Jin (co-chair)
- Deepa Kanere
- Lili Kong
- Jerry Lai
- Hannah Leider
- Amy Li (co-chair)
- Lisa Li
- Amy Lin
- Oksana Martinez
- Agata Mayol
- Charlie Mu
- Jebun Nahar
- Suzy Ort
- Doris Ortiz
- Sujata Pal
- Malini Shah
- Rosa Tse
- Diana Wu
- Sue Xu

Thank you to all the Volunteers who spoke to middle school families in the Bronx and in Manhattan at the DoE September High School Fairs!
- Heather Ahram
- Phalguni Bhatt
- Eliane Check
- Pervinder Kaur
- Suzanne Kerr
- Ann Loeb
- Sue Narine
- Doris Ortiz
- Ivette Perez
- Bianca Wronski
- May Yee
- SeraAnn Zampty
We apologize if we missed listing any volunteers. Did we overlook someone? Please let us know here so we can thank you.