Vallo Bus Service will graciously provide their regular schedule transportation to and from school for the evening. With the later PA meeting start time, we hope to give all parents…
Save the date for our annual end-of-year outdoor social at Ellington in the Park on Saturday, June 22 from 4:30-6:30 PM. Bring your family and friends, a ball or Frisbee and…
June 26 – Eid al-Fitr (school closed) June 28 – Last day of school (half day) September 7 – First day of school year 2017-18 September 17 – Project Accepted…
Dear Bronx Science Families, It was wonderful to see so many of you at our Best of the Boroughs Spring Benefit on Thursday night. We have a crowd of people…
Are you interested in becoming a parent leader? We are seeking nominations for one SLT (School Leadership Team) representative and all positions of the PA Executive Board. This includes president, vice president, treasurer,…
October 14, 2018 Dear Bronx Science Families, It was wonderful to see so many of you at the September PA meeting. We heard lots of enthusiasm, curiosity, and general excitement…