Bronx High School of Science Parents' Assocation

Meet the Speaker – Andrew Roffman

andrew-roffmanOur December 15th PA Meeting promises to be helpful to all parents: Turning Conflict Into Closeness. Andrew Roffman, director of NYU’s Child Study Center’s Family Studies Program Conflict, will teach us how to turn the inevitable conflicts we encounter with our kids (or with anyone!) into positive emotional connections. In Mr. Roffman’s own words,

“…having conflict isn’t a problem – what can become problematic is how conflict is approached and managed. I advocate a shift from ‘argument’ as a mode of relating to ‘dialogue.’ I hope parents will come away with a clear understanding of the difference both conceptually and pragmatically, and learn some tools for shifting out of stuck arguments into more constructive dialogues, both with their kids and with each other.

Please click HERE for our full interview with Roffman, and plan to join us on December 15th.