At January’s PA meeting, Dr. Donahue shared with parents some changes to next year’s curriculum, which we thought we’d repeat for those of you who weren’t there. To further reinforce the STEM aspect of Bronx Science (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math), incoming freshmen will all take “Research Literacy” for one semester (as they do today), and “Elements of Engineering” for the other semester. Rising sophomores (current freshmen) will take a new writing course “Rhetoric and Composition” for one semester and “Coding for All” for the other semester. Sophomores who choose to pursue the 3-year Intel track will not take these mandatory courses but will have aspects incorporated into their research curriculum. The new “Rhetoric and Composition” course replaces the Freshmen Writing Seminar and is designed to better prepare students to take AP English classes and to improve students’ analytical writing skills.
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