MONDAY, 7 pm to 9 pm: You literally cannot afford to miss tomorrow night’s PA meeting! Our guest speaker, Kal Chany, who has more than 30 years’ experience helping families navigate the financial aid process for college and saving them thousands of dollars, will be presenting “Paying for College without Going Broke.” Most families can’t afford to pay the full cost of four years of college. But there is hope: Parents who understand the financial aid system and have learned about the opportunities available to them get the maximum amount of financial aid come out way ahead. The process involves forms to fill out, implications to understand, and strategies to employ. Our guest speaker Kal knows them all and will share these ideas with us tomorrow night.
** Bonus: Three lucky attendees will win a copy of the hot-off-the-press, 2016 edition of Paying for College Without Going Broke.
*** Double Bonus: We will be holding elections for two School Leadership Team positions and one Parents’ Association position. We have lots of candidates for the three positions, so please come out, hear from each of them, and place your vote!
**** Triple Bonus: Vallo, as always, will provide buses from Manhattan and Queens. Please reserve your seat by noon on Monday. Click here for more info.
TUESDAY, 3:45 pm to 6 pm: Tuesday afternoon is the monthly School Leadership Team meeting in Dr. Donahue’s office. Parents are always invited to SLT meetings, but are limited to observer status.
WEDNESDAY, 8:30 am to 9:30 am: Wednesday morning is the monthly Breakfast with the Principal. Come, grab a cup of coffee and a bagel, and hear from our administration. This month’s topic is “Extracurriculars and Student Opportunities.”